

Tamar Devidze

Doctoral student of political science at Caucasus International University

Marekh Devidze

Doctoral student at TSU faculty of Social and Political Sciences


Among the conflicts in the world, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most difficult and unresolved

problems. In the said territory, which was called Middle Eastern Palestine, the main population were Arabs

and Jews. The Arabs were the indigenous population of Palestine and therefore represented the majority of the

population, while the Jews were the minority. For centuries, Jews and Arabs coexisted peacefully in Palestine, but

when the Jewish part began to grow slowly and steadily in the early 20th century, the situation changed radically.

In the 90s of the 19th centuries, along with the strengthening of anti-Semitic attitudes in Europe and Russia,

the nationalist movement "Zionism" emerged in Eastern and Central Europe, the main goal of which was the

return of the Jews to their historical homeland - Palestine. The mass emigration of Jews to Palestine is denoted

by the term Aliyah. It was initiated by the Zionist organization "Hibbat Zion." From 1881 to 1939, five Aliyahs of

Jews took place in Palestine, and from the same period, the conflict between Jews and Palestinians began, which

spans dozens of years.

In the 1940s, there were two nationalist movements in Palestine: Zionism, whose goal was to create a national

center for the Jews, and Palestinian-Arab nationalism, which wanted to abolish British rule and create an

independent Palestinian state. These two nationalist visions caused the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs.

This conflict has not lost its relevance for decades. Both regional and non-regional countries are involved in the

resolution of the conflict, however, the disagreement between Israel and Palestine has not been resolved. In addition,

in the background of the conflict, the threat of terrorism has also increased, and this region remains one

of the hot spots not only in the Middle East but also in the world.

For decades, many international-level events and meetings have been held on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

its causes, and conflict resolution, various methods and recommendations for solving the problem have been

developed, but to no avail. This is cobfirmed the surprise raid oh ,,Hamas“ on Israel on October 7, 2023, whish

was follewed by the bombing of the Gaza Strit by Israel. It is the bloodiest and longest conflict. Outside forces are also involved in it, whivh destabilizes the situation in the entire Middle East.

Keywords: Israel, Palestine, Zionism, Aliyah, Conflict.


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The New Economist N 1 (2024), Vol. 19, Issue 1

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